Making Full use of the Maintenance Conditions of Electric Bikes

Many electric bikes dealers can provide battery maintenance and repair services, should take full advantage of these services. Some brands of electric bikes offer battery overhaul.


For example, regular maintenance of the battery can reduce the damage to the battery. Repair of the battery ‘ s charge state can ease the ” battery lag ” failure , which is easy for dealers equipped with maintenance capabilities . Repair of the battery ‘ s charge state can ease the ” battery lag ” failure , which is easy for dealers equipped with maintenance capabilities.


For loss of water, rehydration at battery capacity 70% is better than rehydration at battery capacity 40%. Even some brands suggest that failure to repair the battery at a specified time is equivalent to abandoning battery life. Therefore, consumers should make full use of battery maintenance conditions to prolong the battery life.


Through these methods, the user can greatly prolong the life of the battery. Some users have shorter mileage, longer battery life and some problems are relatively difficult to find.

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